Community Renewal Team - Supportive Housing Services Byrne Project/project Transition/building Bridges
    * Transitional Housing/shelter * Single Adults

Permanent Supportive Housing Program (pshp)
    * Trans
Byrne Project/project Transition/building Bridges<, P 8 Sto

Class of Housing/Services: Transitional Housing

General Information:
Supportive Housing Collaborative Description: Transitional housing and support services for homeless families with at least one dependent child. Program provides rental subsidies for scattered site transitional housing. People with substance addictions must have a minimum of 90 days clean time, attend AA/NA/CA meetings and work with a substance abuse counselor. Maximum stay is 24 months. Eligibility: Families with at least one dependent child; Must be referred from homeless shelter or social service agency; Must attend AA/NA/CA meetings and work with counselor for substance abuse Fee:Minimum of $145 per month or 30% of income Application: Homeless shelter referral or agency referral only; No self referrals Services: Transitional Housing/Shelter Site hours: M-F: 8am-4pm Other services at this location     * TRANSITIONAL HOUSING/SHELTER * FAMILIES/DISABILITIES Fees may apply for this Transitional Housing resource. Contact COMMUNITY RENEWAL TEAM - SUPPORTIVE HOUSING SERVICES with the contact information we provided to get full details. Oftentimes you can apply for sliding scale fee payment or other options if you are low income. You will need to speak with them to see if you qualify.

Helpful Definitions For Community Renewal Team - Supportive Housing Services Byrne Project/project Transition/building Bridges
    * Transitional Housing/shelter * Single Adults
Transitional housing is affordable supportive housing designed to provide housing and appropriate support services to persons who are homeless or who are close to homelessness. The transition is to help them be more self sufficient to move towards independent living on their own. Transitional housing locations are oftentimes called Halfway Houses. The naming of the two (Halfway House OR Transitional House) is oftentimes interchangeable.

Many Transitional Housing programs are subsidized and are income based. Income based transitional housing generally charges 30% of your income for rent when you do have income. Contact the transitional housing facility to see if this applies.

Services provided at transitional housing facilities varies from substance abuse treatment, to psychological assistance, job training, domestic violence assistance, etc. The assistance provided varies, but it is generally affordable and low cost housing. Read the descriptions of each of the transitional living locations for more detailed information. Transitional housing facilities also may or may not assist with alcohol and/or drug substance abuse treatment.Emergency Homeless Shelters both provide short term relief for the homeless and low income persons. Usually there is a maximum stay of 3 months or less. Many of these shelters ask their clients to leave during the day. Meals and other supportive services are often offered. 3 times out of 5 these shelters offer their services free of charge.

Supportive Housing Programs that provide an alternative living arrangement for individuals who, because of age, disability, substance abuse, mental illness, chronic homelessness or other circumstances, are unable to live independently without care, supervision and/or support to help them in the activities of daily living; or who need access to case management, housing support, vocational, employment and other services to transition to independent living.

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    * Transitional Housing/shelter * Single Adults' directly at: Hartford

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    * Transitional Housing/shelter * Single Adults, please provide it below.

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